Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Customer email capture:

Unlike a lot of online retailers, doesn't give customers a chance to sign up for "promotional emails." The data driven behemoth doesn't need to; they have the ability to actually offer a true benefit in exchange for their prospective customer's email address: personalized recommendations.

promises "personalized recommendations" for to capture captures a customer email address as part of the overall purchase or "registration" process. This means that customers have to give their address in order to purchase or to register on the website. Customers are

. You can't sign up to get promotional emails from Amazon without registering on the website (where registration includes providing an email address + a password).

The registration process results in the customer being in the logged in state on the web site and makes the customer experience customizable by the retail giant where they can use your browsing and purchase information to personalize your experience.

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